Here’s what happened for Sannio‘s breweries in the last edition of Birre d’Italia by Slow Food.
Nice shot, in general, for Campania: 13 birre quotidiane (to drink every day), 13 grandi birre (excellent), 3 birre Slow (which embody the Slow Food values). As to Sannio awarded beers go up to 4.
Birrificio Borrillo got an excellent result: besides the bottiglia (for entire high quality production), 2 other beers has been awarded: Fortore (American Stout – birra quotidiana) and Rescignana (Belgian Strong Ale – grande birra).
The other beers from Sannio awarded with birra quotidiana are Samnia (Blanche) by Birrificio del Sannio and, like in the past edition, Kölsch by Saint John’s.
Not bad! 😉
[ph credits Slow Food]
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